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greetingsaya 'hello'

neehahki-nko kiiyaawi 'how are you?'

neehahki niiyaawi 'I am fine'

neeyolani kati 'see you later'

šaaye 'bye' (šaaye also means 'ready,' 'already,' or 'come to pass')

A Simple Conversation

See if you can memorize this conversation with someone else and do it whenever you can. If you want you can make small changes to it, like saying hoci instead of aya or šaaye instead of neeyolani kati.

A: Aya niihka 'Hi, friend' (the word niihka is only used if both people are male, or both are female. If not, just say Aya!)

B: Aya!.

A: Teepahki neeyolani. 'Hello! It's good to see you'

B: Naahpiši niila 'Likewise'

A: Neehahki-nko kiiyaawi 'How are you? or Are you well?'

B: Neehahki niiyaawi 'I am fine'

A: Neeyolani kati 'see you later'

B: Neeyolani kati 'see you later'