
  1. Accounts for Programs
  2. Apparel
  3. Athletic Forms
  4. Athletic Scholarships
  5. Home Contest
  6. Individual Travel
  7. Cell Phones
  8. Professional Memberships
  9. Purchasing
  10. Rate Approvals
  11. Recruiting
  12. Team Budgets
  13. Team Travel
  14. Issuing and Collecting Equipment

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If you would like a student host to have Entertainment funds, complete the Request for Recruiting Cash form and follow the directions.

Meal money

The NCAA allows the cost of actual meals, not to exceed three per day for a prospect, the prospect's parents, and the student host.

The payment to the vendor for the meals can be accomplished the following ways:

  1. The university employees will front the cost of the meals.
  2. The Student Host will use their cash advance to cover the cost of the meals.
    1. Important: Student Host monies are not allowed to be used for university employees.
    2. Receipts and unused funds are returned to the Athletics Business Office
  3. A combination of the above is acceptable.

The university employees will turn in all receipt(s) for meals. Hand adjustments on the receipt(s) for tips will be accepted. The full cost of the actual meals will be reimbursed up to allowable amounts.


If transporting the recruit causes a financial expense, fill out the Request to Travel for a Team Contest/Recruiting/ or Individual form. Since a recruit is involved in the trip, the Compliance Coordinator will have to approve the trip. If approved, give it to the Athletic Business Manager for approval. Once the trip has been approved by both parties, the account clerk assigns a trip number to the form.

The NCAA allows the cost of actual round-trip transportation to be paid by the institution provided a direct route between the prospect's home and the institution is used.

  1. For automobile travel the prospect can be reimbursed for round-trip mileage at the same rate the university allows its own personnel. The standard Purdue mileage distances shall be used in the calculation of the amount to be reimbursed. An invoice voucher charging the appropriate university account will be prepared by the athletic business office at the request of the head coach. The head coach must provide an address and social security number of the person being reimbursed
  2. For air transportation only the prospect (no relatives) can be reimbursed for commercial coach class costs by submitting a copy of the ticket. Again, an invoice voucher charging the appropriate university account will be prepared by the athletic business office at the request of the head coach. Alternatively, the travel agency may front the commercial coach class costs and then charge the university.
  3. A university employee and/or student host may be reimbursed for actual local mileage for the prospect's visit. Reimbursement will be at the current rate approved by the university for private vehicles.


The NCAA allows the cost of lodging for the prospect and the prospect's parents to be paid by the institution.

The prospect and the prospect's parents can be reimbursed for lodging by submitting a receipt. An invoice voucher to generate a check to the prospects and charging the appropriate university account will be prepared by the athletic business office. Alternatively, at the discretion of the Athletics Director, the university may use a complementary room because of an existing trade-out agreement with a hotel. Ultimately if neither of the above methods can be used, the university may submit a Purchase Order for the room which then follows the normal P.O. procedures charging appropriate university accounts.