Confluence invites submissions of photography, artwork, and manuscripts from students,
alumni, and others in the general community outside of IPFW. Submissions should be
taken or sent to Confluence, Department of English and Linguistics, Indiana University-
Purdue University at Fort Wayne, 2101 Coliseum Boulevard East, Fort Wayne, Indiana
46805. You can also use this page to submit textual works.
All submissions must include the name and contact information of the photographer, artist,
or author. Photography, artwork, and manuscripts will be returned only if the sender
includes a SASE, or may be picked up at the Department of English and Linguistics.
Please limit works to no more than 3,000 single spaced words, as this will be the format it will be printed in if accepted. Works should only be submitted in the font Times New Roman, although the use of bold and italics is acceptable. Additionally, Confluence asks that you limit your use of white space, and reserves the right to make format changes. Please submit written works in digital format (.doc preferred). Unless you wish to remain anonymous, please remember to include your name and email address. Submit a textual work online
Photography should be submitted directly to the english department. If you wish to submit images in digital format, be sure that they are in at least 300 dpi (suitable for print.) Unless you wish to remain anonymous, please remember to include your name and email address.
Drawings should be submitted directly to the english department. If you wish to submit a digital copy of your drawing, please be sure that it is at least 300 dpi (suitable for print.) Unless you wish to remain anonymous, please remember to include your name and email address.