Looking for an overview? There are several publications, but our ASHA 2023 virtual technical session is the best place to start.
If you missed our SIG 19 invited talk at ASHA 2024 in Seattle, here is a Downloadable expanded handout.
Naomi Gurevich, Purdue University Fort Wayne
Heejin Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The FITI Table to help prioritize articulatory targets based on their functional importance to intelligibility (Gurevich & Kim, 2023a): Request it through ResearchGate
FITI Words - list of the 308 words to use as stimuli to collect speech for clinical or research use with 83% phonetic coverage in English (Gurevich & Kim, 2023b): Find in the article (request the article through ResearchGate) or for a clean copy, email us at cladlab@pfw.edu
FITI Phrases - 37 phrases combined of the 308 FITI words (Gurevich & Kim, 2023b): Find in the article (request the article through ResearchGate) or for a clean copy, email us at cladlab@pfw.edu
FITI Modules - Short FITI phrases built in autonomous modules adaptable to time constrains (Gurevich & Kim, 2024): Find in the article (request it through ResearchGate) or for a clean copy, email us at cladlab@pfw.edu
Already using FITI stimuli in research or your clinical practice? Let us know
Developing FITI resources in other languages:
Coming soon: 😺 FITI (IYKYK)
Watch this space for a tool to evaluate the FITI of any stimuli (English)
Gurevich, N., & Kim, H. (2024). A hierarchical approach to efficient assessment of functional intelligibility: The modular FITI (functional importance to intelligibility) phrase list. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 9(3), 892–907. https://doi.org/10.1044/2024_PERSP-23-00247
Gurevich, N., & Kim, H. (2023b). Development of novel speech stimuli with phonetic coverage and phonemic balance. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 8(2), 424–437. https://doi.org/10.1044/2023_PERSP-22-00180
Gurevich, N., & Kim, H. (2023a). The phonetics and phonology of intelligibility: The functional importance to intelligibility of speech sounds. In Clinical Applications of Linguistics to Speech-Language Pathology: A Guide for Clinicians. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003045519-8
Gurevich, N., & Kim, H. (2022). Examination of consonantal phonetic coverage in standard reading passages. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 7(5), 1573–1582. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_PERSP-22-00063
Kim, H., & Gurevich, N. (2021). Positional asymmetries in consonant production and intelligibility in dysarthric speech. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 37(2), 125–142. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699206.2021.2019312
Aalto, D. & Gurevich, N. (2025, May). Exploring the speech chain experimentally: English sound identification accuracy is modulated by phonological factors across adult speakers and listeners. 188th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA).
Gurevich, N., Assylbekov, Z., Tezekbayev, M., Kim, H., and Washington, J. (2025, January). A new approach to calculating allophonic balance and functional load. 2025 Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. [poster]
Gurevich, N., Kim, H. (2024, December). The FITI (Functional Importance to Intelligibility) Framework and the Importance of Phonetic Coverage. SIG 19 invited talk, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2024 Annual Convention, Seattle, WA. [handout of session]
Gurevich, N., Aalto, D. (2024, November). Frequency and context prominence effects on English allophone perception: identification of /r/ and /θ/. 187th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). [POMA paper]
Gurevich, N., Kim, H. (2023, November). Applying the FITI (Functional Importance to Intelligibility) Framework for Prioritizing Clinical Treatment Targets. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2023 Annual Convention, Boston, MA. [our full session]
Gurevich, N., Kim, H. (2023, April). Prioritizing treatment targets by their functional importance to speech intelligibility. Indiana Speech-Language-Hearing Association (INSHA) 2023 Convention, Indianapolis, IN. [handout of session]