Purdue Fort Wayne University's Association for Computing Machinery chapter.

Who is the ACM for?

PFW's ACM is interested in any members who have an interest in Computing or its field of scientific theory. This extends to gamers, hobbyists, entreprenuers, curious individuals, game modders and makers, and more.

Do I need to know CS?

PFW's ACM Chapter welcomes any and all levels of computing knowledge. We hope that you can learn through interactions within the community, but it's not required that you have or attain any particular abilities with computing or programming.

Computing For Everyone

Programming, Computing, and Digital Communications are core parts of our modern world, and ensuring equitable access and understanding of the ways that they function and can be applied is vital to maintaining ethics in computer science, and driving the application of the field forwards.

"[The] ACM is a global scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, science, engineering, and application of computing, serving both professional and public interests by fostering the open exchange of information and by promoting the highest professional and ethical standards."


The PFW ACM Chapter seeks to maintain these same expectations for free, equitable, and shared access to computing. We seek to provide a feeling of community and comradeship within Purdue Fort Wayne, and to help the PFW and Fort Wayne communities have access to computing resources. For the purposes of the PFW ACM chapter, computing resources are primarily:

  • Knowledge of Computing/Programming
  • Education on Tooling
  • Peers Knowledgeable in Computing
  • Training with Younger Audiences

Beyond free computing resources, as a student org we seek to provide events and community activitities at low cost to members. Some of our events include:

  • National Cyber League
  • Global Game Jam