IPFW Signature

Subject Descriptions
Afro American Studies - AFRO
Agriculture - AGR
Allied Health - AHLT
Animal Sciences - ANSC
Anthropology - ANTH
Applied Computer Science - ACS
Architectural Engr Tech - ARET
Astronomy - AST
Astronomy - ASTR
Biology -  BIOL
Business  Fort Wayne - BUFW
Business - BUS
Chemistry - CHM
Child Dev & Fam Studies -CDFS
Civil Engineering - CE
Civil Engineering Tech - CET
Classical Studies - CLAS
College of Arts & Sci - COAS
College of Hlth&Human Srv-CHHS
Communic Sci & Disorders - CSD
Communication - COM
Comparative Literature - CMLT
Computer Engineering Tech-CPET
Computer Science - CS
Construction Engr Tech - CNET
Consumer and Family Sci - CFS
Dance - DANC
Dental Assisting - DAST
Dental Hygiene - DHYG
Dental Lab Technology - DLTP
East Asian Lang/Culture - EALC
Economics - ECON
Education - EDUA
Education - EDUC
Elect & Computer Eng Tech-ECET
Electrical and Comp Engr -ECE
Engineering - ENGR
Engineering Technology - ET
English - ENG
Engr Tech and Comp Sci - ETCS
Entomology - ENTM
Film Studies - FILM
Fine Arts - FINA
Folklore - FOLK
Foods and Nutrition - FNN
Forestry and Natural Res - FNR
Fort Wayne Arts and Sci - FWAS
French & Italian - FRIT
French - FREN
Geography - GEOG
Geology - GEOL
German - GER
Gerontology - GERN
Health Sciences - HSC
Health Sciences - HSCI
Health, Phys Ed and Rec - HPER
History - HIST
Honors - HON
Horticulture - HORT
Hospitality and Tour Mgt - HTM
Human Services - HSRV
Industrial EngrTech - IET
Industrial Technology - IT
Informatics - IM
Information Sys & Tech - IST
Information Tech & Comput- ITC
Interdisciplinary Studies-IDIS
Interior Design - INTR
International Studies - INTL
Intl Lang Cultural Stu - ILCS
Journalism - JOUR
Labor Studies - LSTU
Lesb,Gay,Bisex&Transgndr -LGBT
Liberal Studies - LBST
Linguistics - LING
Mathematics - MA
Mechanical Engineering - ME
Mechanical Engr Tech - MET
Medieval Studies - MEST
Military Sci & Leadership-MSL
Music - MUS
Near East Lang & Culture -NELC
Nursing - NUR
Org Leadership Supervision-OLS
Peace & Conflict Studies-PACS
Pharmacology & Toxicology-PCTX
Philosophy - PHIL
Physics - PHYS
Political Science - POLS
Psychology - PSY
Public Environ Affair-See PPOL
Public Policy - PPOL
Radiologic Science - RADX
Religious Studies - REL
Sociology - SOC
Spanish - SPAN
Statistics - STAT
Systems Engineering - SE
Technology - TECH
Theatre - THTR
Veterinary Medicine - VM
Visual Comm Design - VCD
Women's Studies - WOST
Copyright © 2015 Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne