The Basics of Web Page Construction using Nvu

You will need quicktime (a free application which works on Mac or PC) to view the movie examples of these directions.


Choose any of the following steps or work through all of them:

Get started
Add a title
Choose colors
Add an email address
Create subheadings
Place a horizontal bar
Place an anchor (part of internal navigation process)
Create internal navigation
Add graphics
Add other links
Upload your webpage
Edit your webpage

1. Getting started Movie Version

2. Adding a title Movie Version

3. Choosing colors Movie Version

4. Add your email address Movie Version

5. Create two to five subheadings or category titles (the following are possible examples): Movie Version
Remember you can highlight these and use the FORMAT to change the font, size, style (underlined, bold etc.) and text color.

For COM 310:

For COM 582:

For COM 512

Research paper:



6. Put a horizontal bar between each category: Movie Version

7. Place an anchor in front of each category title Movie Version

8. Create an internal navigation bar (to make it easier for your readers to "jump" to the part of the page they want) at the top of the page Movie Version

9. Add a graphic Movie Version

10. Inserting other links Movie Version

11. Uploading your page and images into your webspace

You may use any webspace you choose

To use your IPFW webspace, follow the directions under "How to Access My Webspace" on the ITS webpage (it's a good idea to print this page so you have it as you proceed) - these directions tell you to do the following:

Either: If you are using a campus student-access lab Windows computer: you will have a I: drive containing your Web space in the form of a folder named for your username. Files can be copied, deleted, edited, etc. as you would in any other folder.

Or If you are uploading your files from home or another place not on campus use the Web-based interface
Movie Version

  1. Go to:
  2. You will be asked for your network (i.e., student-access lab) username and password.
  3. To access your web folder from
    • Click the 'My Files' button in the right corner or the "My files" folder on the left navigation bar to access your files.
    • When you Click the <My Files> button, you may see a folder called "All folders", when you click this you should see a folder named 'Home'. (This is the same as your Personal drive space. Files put in this folder are stored but NOT on the web).
    • Click the word 'Home' to open your personal space.
    • Click the 'Web' folder to open it. (You must open the web folder before uploading any files into it. - If you find you do NOT have a "web" folder - click on "Create folder", name the folder "web" and then proceed to open it.)
    • You will see any files you have stored in your Web folder.
    • Now, you can upload files your by clicking on the "Upload" button and choosing the files you wish to upload.
    remember to upload each image separately as well as your webpages (don't upload the folder).
  4. Now, email your URL (which is yourusername/yourfilename.html) to me so I can add it to the webpages page


12. To edit your pages: Movie Version

13. Writing for the web