Social Science Paper Contents

Cover page - running head

Abstract - watch formatting - give away the ending

Paper itself

Introduction -

Literature Review

Rationale: Given . . . in the literature, we need to . . .

Hypothesis or Research Question:

Method - described in enough detail that someone else could replicate your study
Paper Two: Content Analysis

Steps to gather data:

  1. Define and limit the population
  2. Decide units
  3. Create categories to code
  4. Create coding manual
  5. Train coders
  6. Sample messages
  7. Code the messages
  8. Calculate Scott's pi
  9. Converge their codes


Steps to analysis:

1. Put converged codes into chi-square table based on variables

2. Run chi-square

3. Report chi-square, df, and p value


Paper Three: Survey/Scale Research

Steps to gather data:

  1. Determine variables from H or RQ to be measured by scale or survey questions
  2. Create scale/survey questions for variables - see information above and linked from syllabus for various kinds of scales
  3. Add demographic questions of interest
  4. Be sure instructions are clear to the population of interest
  5. Be sure you ONLY have questions relevant to the variables under study





Steps to analysis:

1. Determine what type of relationship you are positing: signfiicant differences or correlation (as one variable increases the other increases or decreases)

2. Be sure you have at least interval data for one variable (i.e., scales produce interval data).

3. Run descriptive statistics (some of these may go in the Methods sections)

4. Run Cronbach alpha for scale reliability (this goes in Methods Section)

5. Run t-test or Pearson's r

6. Report descriptive stats, t-test/r with df and p value.




Paper Four: Experimental Data

Steps to gather data:

  1. Determine variables from H or RQ
  2. What is you independent variable (this variable you will manipulate/change)?
  3. What is your dependent variable - this variable you will measure?
  4. How will you control for as many of the sources of threats to internal/external validity as possible (i.e., random assignment, pre- and post-test; Solomon Four design)?





Steps to analysis:

1. Determine what type of relationship you are positing: generally signfiicant differences given different treatment conditions or treatment and control group

2. Be sure you have at least interval data for one variable (i.e., scales produce interval data).

3. Run descriptive statistics (some of these may go in the Methods sections)

4. Run Cronbach alpha for scale reliability if you used a scale (this goes in Methods Section)

5. Run t-test (two groups) or ANOVA (more than two groups).

6. Report descriptive stats, t-test/r with df and p value.


Results - restate and then answer the H or RQ


Conclusion -






COM 582 Descriptive and Experimental Research in Communication


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