IPFW Intramurals
The intramural sports program offers various activities in which students, faculty and staff may participate. The activities are comprised of individual and team events in either a league or special event tournament format. The general objectives of the intramural sports program are to:
All students, faculty and staff are eligible to participate in the intramural sports program. Each participant is responsible for the verification of his or her eligibility. All participants must present their ID upon request by IM (Intramurals) staff in order to participate.
Any player found using another individuals ID card to participate in an intramural activity might be barred from further intramural competition. A team, which allows an ineligible player to participate, risks forfeiting any or all games in which that individual participated.
Division and Levels of Competition
Men, Women, Co-Rec
Check publicity flyers to determine what leagues and divisions of play are offered each semester.
Women may compete on men’s teams when there are not enough women’s teams to hold their own league.
Co-rec teams must play with an equal number of males and females.
Skill Levels
Little or no experience as a participant in a given sport, participating for the pure enjoyment and looking to gain some experience in a non-competitive environment. These teams will not advance to playoff competition and will not be eligible for championship t-shirts.
Some experience as a participant in the given sport, participating for the enjoyment in somewhat of a competitive environment. These teams will advance to playoff competition and will be eligible to compete for championship t-shirts.
Numerous experiences as a participant in the given sport, participating for the enjoyment in a highly competitive environment. These teams will advance to playoff competition and will be eligible to compete for championship t-shirts.
Responsibilities of Team Managers
- Team managers are responsible for the eligibility and conduct of their players and spectators.
- A player is not eligible to participate in an intramural activity until they have signed the team roster. Each player must read and sign the liability waiver form on the back of the intramural entry form.
- Teams may add additional players to their team roster before the end of regular season play. Once playoffs begin, team rosters are frozen.
- A team representative must attend the manager’s meeting to receive IM policies, sports specific rules and other pertinent information for the success of their team in the intramural sports program.
- Team managers are required to become familiar with the rules and to distribute copies of rules and team schedules to each of their team members.
- Team schedules will be available for pick up by team managers at the IM office on the Monday following the manager’s meeting.
- Team managers are reminded that no information regarding game times or locations will be given out over the phone by IM receptionists, so please make sure all team members have schedules.
- Managers are responsible to make sure that all team member’s leave their ID Cards at the Customer Service Desk for sports held at the Gates Center.
Teams not represented at the manager’s meeting will be ineligible for playoff competition, unless other arrangements have been made.
The use of ineligible players may result in the team forfeiture of all contests in which that individual has participated and may also risk playoff eligibility for the team.
University recreation wants spectators to know that they are more than just a spectator, they are part of the game. The spectators’ participation is important to the outcome of the contest. Please keep in mind it is still just a game. Have fun and encourage your own team, rather than discourage your opponent. Remember the team that you are cheering for maybe adversely affected (i.e. given poor sportsmanship ratings, or forced to forfeit) if spectators’ behavior is inappropriate.
- Spectators may observe intramural activities and must comply with the policies that have been set by IM staff.
- Team managers are ultimately responsible for the conduct of their spectators.
- Indoor sports, i.e. basketball, floor hockey, indoor soccer, volleyball, have limited spectator seating; therefore, admittance of spectators may be limited.
- Spectators are encouraged to support their team and to not berate or attempt to intimidate opponents or officials.
- Any volatile or unruly acts by a spectator will be handled by IM staff.
Sport Rules
- Intramural sports rules will be distributed and discussed at the manager’s meeting prior to each intramural season. The team manager is responsible for their teams’ knowledge and adherence to these rules.
- Each sports rules are adopted and governed by NIRSA, NCAA, MHSAA, ASA, USA, and USVBA rules (or any combination of these).
- The IM department reserves the right to modify or change the rules for any sport, at any time, during the regular season or playoffs to ensure the safety of the participants and the integrity of the game.
- Managers will be notified of any rule change before it is implemented.
- Team managers are ultimately responsible for the conduct of their players and spectators. Any concerns or difficulties with an individual’s conduct will be handled through the manager.
- Teams will be rated on their sportsmanship by game officials following each game based on the actions and behaviors of team members before, during, and after the contest.
- Teams will not qualify for the playoffs if they if they have a cumulative rating of less than a "B" average at the end of the regular season.
- Any Team receiving a "C" or lower grade will be notified in writing by the assistant director.
- A = 4 points - excellent sportsmanship
- B = 3 points - good sportsmanship, no major problems, possibly one warning
- C = 2 points - average sportsmanship, some verbal dissent, possibly one ejection
- D = 1 point - below average sportsmanship, continuous problems, possibly two ejections or game forfeiture.
- F = 0 points - poor, unacceptable sportsmanship, completely uncooperative, majority of team is unruly.
If a team receives an "F" rating the manager must meet with the director of intramurals before they or their team is eligible to compete again.
If a team receives a "C" or "D" rating and a player or players have been ejected, the player(s) and team are not eligible to compete again until ejected players have met with the director of intramurals.
There are three factors considered when determining a team’s playoff eligibility:
- Team representative attendance at manager’s meeting
- Team must have a cumulative sportsmanship rating of "B" or better
- Team cannot forfeit two contests during the regular season
Teams which are not represented at the manager’s meeting may be allowed another opportunity to "work their way back" into the playoffs by meeting the following requirements:
- Team must receive all "A" and "B" sportsmanship ratings during the regular season
- Team may not forfeit or default any contest during the regular season
In order to determine an all campus champion, regular season day preferences cannot be adhered to during playoffs. Teams will be required to play on any given day at any given time. The IM office reserves the right to modify the playoff season by shortening it due to weather conditions or number of eligible playoff teams. Teams are required to maintain a "B" average sportsmanship rating during the playoffs. If a team receives a "C" rating the manager must meet with the assistant director the following day to discuss their team’s status. If a team receives a "D" or lower rating they will be eliminated from playoff competition. If the rating is following the team’s final contest the rating may impact the team’s and/or individual’s eligibility for the next intramural activity in which the team and/or individual participates.
- Games that are canceled due to inclement weather or other reasons will not be rescheduled.
- The intramural hotline will have decisions for cancellations by 4 p.m. the day of the contest, the hotline number is 260-481-6617.
- Once decisions have been made to cancel a game, all subsequent games will also be canceled.
A contest will be declared a default if:
- Team contacts IM office 24 hours before their scheduled game time to notify the director that they will be unable to participate in their contest (Sunday games by 5 p.m. on Friday)
- Team drops under the minimum number of players required due to injury with no available substitutes
A default will result in a team loss but will not affect playoff eligibility (exception: if a team was not represented at the manager’s meeting, playoff eligibility will be lost)
Circumstances which may result in a team forfeit include:
- Game time is forfeit time
- Do not have the minimum number of players signed in at game time
- Two players ejected from the same team in the same contest
- One player or any number of players gross misconduct
- Team drops under the minimum number of players required due to an ejection with no available substitute
- Use of an ineligible player
- Teams that had a representative at the manager’s meeting and then forfeit twice will be dropped from the league and not eligible for playoff competition
- Teams that were not represented at the manager’s meeting and then forfeit one contest
There are two types of protests that may be filed:
- Player eligibility
- Rule interpretation
Questions of judgement by officials or supervisors are not protestable
- Team managers must file intent to protest at the time the incident occurs. Following the contest, the team manager must submit a written statement of the protest (with specific player in question if player eligibility protest; or specific rule they feel was misinterpreted if rule interpretation protest) to the IM office by 4 p.m. the next business day.
- If anyone other than the team manager files protest then it will not be considered.
- Protests will not be heard if the team protesting has won the contest in question (exception: player eligibility)
- The director will make rulings on protests and both team managers will be contacted with the outcome.
IM strongly recommends that each participant and spectator carry his or her own medical and dental insurance. The university and its staff are not responsible for any injuries incurred by a participant or spectator in university recreation programs. All medical expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the participant or spectator. Injuries are an inherent risk in all recreational activities including intramural sports. The intramural supervisor must be notified immediately when an injury occurs during an intramural contest. These individuals are first aid and CPR trained and will assist the injured participant or spectator. Please cooperate fully with the staff so the injury can be handled properly and expeditiously.
The post-season is designed to determine all campus champions in the various divisions. Winners receive a limited number of championship awards based on intramural sport.
Awards will be distributed upon completion of competition. If awards are not distributed on final night of competition, team manager must pick up the awards from the IM office. If a team requires more awards (based on team numbers) than the number allowed, they must pay the cost of the extra awards.
The office of university recreation publicizes all activities via flyers throughout campus buildings, school newspaper, local radio, and campus television (Channel 56).
Please note the entry fee, entry deadline and manager’s meetings times, dates, and locations.
Employment Opportunities
If you would like to participate in the intramural sports program "on the other side of the ball" become an intramural official or scorekeeper.
These positions are PAID positions and training is provided. Officials and score keepers may also participate in the intramural program as a player.
The sports that require officials include the following:
Fall semester: flag football, volleyball, basketball
Winter semester: basketball, volleyball
For more information about the intramural sports program please contact:
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Copyright © 2004 Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Send comments and corrections on this web site to
Tim Heffron
Revised: November 2, 2004
URL: http://users.ipfw.edu/heffron/deptintramurals.html