IPFW Athletic Department Facilities
The Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne (IPFW) fitness facilities are among the finest in Northern Indiana in terms of supporting a wide variety of sports and recreational activities. The facilities are made available in an attempt to meet individual and team fitness needs and interests.
The Hilliard Gates Sports Center is a 68,000 square foot tri-level, multipurpose facility. It features:
Hours of Operation
The Gates Sports Center is open year-round. Occasionally special athletic, academic and community events necessitate partial or complete closings of the recreational facilities. Physical education classes may close areas of the gymnasium and fitness center to regular patrons for the duration of the class.
Current hours during the school year are as follows:
Monday through Thursday 5:30 a.m. -10:00 p.m.
Friday 5:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
For information on Gates Center Employment - Information and Policies click http://users.ipfw.edu/heffron/deptgateemploy.html
Facility User Policies
IPFW enrolled students are automatically Hilliard Gates Sports Center members. Their membership is paid through their student service fees. IPFW students not in session and other college students have special membership rates. Memberships are also available for faculty, staff, retirees, IPFW Follete Bookstore employees, and IU Credit Union employees, alumni, general public, and their family members. Contact the customer service desk at 219-481-6655 or go to http://www.ipfw.edu/athletics/fitness for more information. All paid patrons attain a valid IPFW ID card at the IPFW Walb Union Information Desk (481-6610). All paid patrons must check in at the customer service desk using the IPFW ID every time they come to use the sports center. IPFW cards are kept at the customer service desk while patrons are using the facility. Patrons must check out and pick up their IPFW ID card before exiting the facility.
All unclaimed IPFW student ID cards from the previous week will be taken to the Walb Union Information Desk by 9 am Monday morning. Students can retrieve their cards their.
The following information is intended to provide a more clear understanding of categories used in conjunction with the fee program:
Any person enrolled with a minimum of one credit hour of study is considered eligible to use the recreational facilities of the HGSC.
Current employee of IPFW with valid user card.
IU and PU alumni holding an alumni membership card may use the facility by purchasing a membership pass. The alumni office will verify alumni status.
The spouse and children, 18 years and younger, of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and general public who have a valid membership to the HGSC.
General Policies
No product solicitation or unauthorized personal training is allowed.
Blue jeans in any form are forbidden while working out. Footwear must be athletic in nature, soft soled and non marking. Work boots and sandals are forbidden. Patrons must wear a t-shirt, tank top, or sports bra while working out. All bags and purses must be kept locked in the locker rooms.
Not gym bags and purses are allowed in the workout areas or gymnasium.
Because a small number of individuals exhibit inappropriate behavior in the facilities and programs, the sports center personnel reserve the right to revoke user privileges from any facility use.
When patrons are working out in the strength training room patrons must use collars on barbells during any lifting exercises. Patrons should pick up weight plates, dumbbells, mats, balls, resistence tubing,pads and return them to racks or proper storage areas. Patrons are not to argue/debate any safety points with the staff; rules are in place for your safety and for those around you. Patrons need to be cooperative and considerate with other patrons.
For emergencies and injuries contact sports center staff or dial 481-6827 for police and safety.
Campus policy prohibits indoor smoking and use of chewing tobacco in all buildings. IPFW regulations also prohibit the possession, consumption, distribution, or sale of illegal substances and alcoholic beverages on campus.
All individuals, middle school level (6,7,8) and below (grade 5 and under) must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times when using the sports center. All individuals under 18 are not permitted in the strength training and cardiovascular conditioning room.
Forgotten ID Policy
People forgetting their sports center membership card may not gain access to the facility for physical fitness unless they pay a daily rate/fee or prove they are a member.
Daily Pass Fee
All sports center membership card holders may sponsor guests to use the sports center. A daily pass must be purchased for $5.00 at the help desk. The sponsor must be present. There is a $5.00 fee for a one time user, no sponsor is required. No guest, grade 5 and under is eligible for any pass. However, they will be admitted if directly supervised by a parent or adult.
Payment of Fees/ID’s
The sports center membership card and the daily pass both can be purchased at the help desk Monday through Sunday during the sports center hours. IPFW student spouse, student family, faculty, staff, retiree, and alumni membership passes can be purchased at the IPFW Walb Student Union Information Desk ( 481-6610).
A paid fee receipt and drivers license must be presented to obtain an IPFW membership ID card at the Walb Student Union information desk.
The sports center membership card will contain name, status, and ID number.
Entering and exiting the sports center is to be done through the south doors. Patrons can not enter/exit the sports center through anyother door. Violation may result in loss of building privileges.
Locker/Lock Rental
With a paid sports center membership an individual can rent a lock for a day.
With a paid sports center membership an individual can rent a locker on an annual, semester or summer basis.
The customer service desk staff must keep a record of all locker rentals.
The patron is responsible to return the rental lock and combination after workout.
Facility Reservation Policies
An organization or individual may reserve the facility by reservation only. Requests must be submitted in writing at least two weeks in advance of the date needed. This request can also be utilized to reserve a room in the sports center or reserve an outdoor facility. This request is to be submitted to the facility manager..
Racquetball / Handball / Wallyball Court Rules
- All reservations can be made either in person or by phone no more than 48 hours in advance.
- There is no fee to reserve
- A court with a reservation will be held for 10 minutes and then will be reserved again. The official clock will be located at the help desk where the court can be reserved.
- The operation switch for each court’s set of lights is located in a panel to the left of each court entrance door. Lights must be turned off when leaving the court so there is no waiting for the court. The help desk supervisor must keep the bite lights on in the station for these lights to work properly.
- When time has expired at the end of a reserved time period please use common courtesy by ringing the buzzer located on the right side of the entrance door. Do not enter the court until the participants open the door.
- An individual may not reserve a court any more than one hour per day in succession.
- Shirts must be worn during usage of the facility as a common courtesy
- Clothing, equipment and other items should be placed in a locker, not on the court.
- Racquetball eye guards are recommended for wear in order to reduce the chance of potential eye injuries.
- Tennis shoes must be worn.
- Street shoes or black-soled shoes are not permitted on the courts.
Challenge Court Policy
Printed on the west side of each court are the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. These numbers specify the order in which challenges will be accepted. Number 1 is the first priority. One member from each team must be on the numbered spot in order to claim winners.
The north court is the women priority court. Four (4) women are required for a half court game and eight (8) for a full court game. If a game is in progress it should be allowed to be completed to fifteen points.
The center and south court is open to all players with adhering to the half-court rights: players may continue to use half court until eight (8) or more players want to use it for a full game, provided no other courts are available.
Student I.D.
A student I.D. card is issued to each student enrolled in classes at IPFW. A card may also be issued to faculty, staff , alumni, or family members covered under the pass purchased. People purchasing passes through the customer service desk are also issued I.D. cards.
IPFW identification cards serve as collateral for athletic equipment rented from the HGSC.
IPFW identification cards serve as tickets to all IPFW home athletic events for students enrolled at IPFW.
I.D cards must be validated at the beginning of each semester and summer sessions.
If an I.D. card is lost, the patron must purchase a new one in order to gain entry to the HGSC. They must do this at the Walb Student Union Information Desk.
Walb Union Information Desk
Students must validate/purchase their I.D. cards here to gain access to the HGSC. Weekdays the office is open until 10:00 p.m.
Physical Education
The HGSC hosts many physical education classes offered through the School of Education under the heading of HPER (Health, Physical Education and Recreation). Some classes necessitate the closing of the fitness center or gymnasium for the duration of the class.
1. Activity classes meet on or off campus for 8 weeks.
2. Academic classes meet on campus in the HGSC Rm 104
The HGSC closes portions of or the entire facility for athletic, academic or community events. The HGSC is closed for official university holidays, some training sessions or facility renovations. Signs are posted in all locker rooms and entrances at least one week in advance. Emergency closings are posted on E-mail or over the local radio and television stations.
Laundry Services
A simple hamper system for bulk service to each team, as opposed to individuals picking up their laundry. In each mesh bag, we would like to have each player place socks, jocks, bras, panties. Practice shorts and shirts should be folded in the hamper. The concern with this method is theft - please beware! Towels will be issued to each program at a rate of one for each student athlete.
Uniforms and warm-ups will be hung on racks during the season; in the off season, they will be boxed and placed on your shelf. All uniforms are to be returned after each match/game/meet and cleaned by our staff. Each coach will instruct their athletes about laundry and damaged uniforms.
The Hamper System
- The coach/assistant coach picks up the hamper before practice.
- The hamper is set in the locker room where athletes get out their equipment and a towel.
- After showering, the athletes place all dirty clothes and towels in hamper.
- Coach/assistant coach returns the hamper to the laundry room.
- Travel bags will be issued to each athlete for the season. Athletes will pack their bags for away trips.
- On game days, athletes will store unused practice gear in their locker and use the hamper for dirty clothes.
Please provide the staff member with practice and game schedules. Be sure to talk to them about what is going well and what is not.
Locker Assignments
A staff member will provide each coach with locker assignments for the season. Please provide a list of needs as soon as possible.
The teams below are currently using the laundry service for practice and uniforms:
Women's Volleyball
Training Room
Men's Soccer
Fitness Center
Women's Basketball
Men's Basketball
Men's Volleyball
Men’s Baseball
Teams not currently using our laundry service are listed below.
Women's Tennis
Women's Softball
Men's Tennis
Men's and Women's Cross Country
Use of laundry room for practice gear is optional.
Facility Maintenance
- When a maintenance problems occurs contact physical plant at x1632 or go online at http://www.phyplt.ipfw.edu click on "online forms" and submit your request. Otherwise contact Ron Clark, Tim Heffron or Judy Tillapaugh for assistance.
- A log will be maintained indicating when the problem occurred, when it was reported and when it was completed.
Signing Procedures - Posting notices or advertisements on the bulletin board:
- Events sponsored by the athletic department will have priority on boards.
- The basement bulletin board next to the laundry room is exclusively for programs/events sponsored by the athletic department.
- The bulletin board on the second floor next to the classrooms are available for other campus groups or departments provided space is available.
- All posted materials on the boards must have an approval stamp and date
- Any unapproved notice taped to a wall or door will be taken down.
- Hand written signs are not permitted unless approved.
- The bulletin boards located next to the doors of the locker rooms are open to use by all.
Security Procedures - Violation policy
- Signs on pedestals will be posted in front of all doors that are not to be used as entrances or exits during normal recreational time.
- These signs will state the following:
Please Do Not Enter or Exit
For Emergency Use Only - Alarm Will Sound
- All traffic by non-Athletic Department personnel should go through the south entrances. Only authorized IPFW personnel shall use the Northwest Foyer entrance.
- Teams utilizing the facility after hours must confirm time with Facility Manager/Scheduler so that campus Police and Safety can be notified. Coaches should make sure all doors are secure upon leaving the facility and all equipment is put away.
Equipment Storage Area
Garage equipment storage area
- It is the responsibility of the facility manager under the direct supervision of the business manager to coordinate the organization and cleanliness of the garage equipment storage area.
- The equipment in the garage will be planned and organized in a manner that will promote easy access to any piece of equipment that is needed. There has to be a six foot aisle through the garage area.
- Do not place equipment along the hallway or in the middle of the room.
- When new equipment is delivered, contact the facility manager so it is assigned to an area.
- Equipment in the garage should contain all athletic sports equipment and large apparatus such as event, chairs, nets, poles, cages with equipment, scorer’s table and the new lift.
Customer Service desk equipment
- This area is controlled by the help desk supervisor.
- This area is to be kept clean and organized on a daily basis.
- The grey metal cabinets will contain intramural equipment and is to be locked at all times. An inventory of these items will be kept by the Customer Service Desk Supervisor.
- All off-season athletes and all students enrolled in HPER classes are required to utilize the daily lockers in the locker rooms to store their equipment, bags and books.
Outer cage storage area
- The facility manager along with the fitness/conditioning coordinator maintain this area.
- Intramural and fitness/conditioning equipment is store here.
- This area is also utilized as an overflow for lost items.
- A current inventory is maintained by specific teams/departments to prevent loss.
Inner cage storage area
- The inner cage storage area is organized and maintained by the facility manager and appropriate coach.
- This is a restricted area. Only authorized personnel is allowed.
- Coaches/trainers/staff should not issue their keys to players to go into the laundry area, or cage areas.
Return to Athletic Department Policy and Procedures Manual
Copyright © 2004 Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Send comments and corrections on this web site to
Tim Heffron
Revised: November 4, 2004
URL: http://users.ipfw.edu/heffron/deptfacilities.html