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Cash Advance Roster

Use this form to document the cash specific individuals receive while in Team Travel.

Team Travel Cash Advance Roster

Directions on using the form

  1. Open the Team Travel Cash Advance Roster form by clicking on the above link.
  2. Choose save if you want to be able to save data for future trips.
  3. Complete the informational portion of form
  4. Fill in the name of each travel party member that potentially could receive cash.
  5. Print a copy of the form
  6. When you give cash to a particular travel party member(s), write the date and the amount in the first available column.
  7. Have each individual sign their name in that same column.
  8. Continue using new columns as new distributions transpire.
  9. Use additional forms if necessary
  10. Coach signs and dates the copy
  11. Give the copy along with the Team Travel Summary form to the Account Clerk
  12. Account Clerk audits the form with the Team Travel Summary form

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